Catalog HOMEN091
Format CD
Discs 1
Category ROCK/POPS
Street Date 2017-03-17
In 2012 he released what was to become a bit of a seminal work in the highly praised ‘Floods’. He has since released superb records on a number of friends’ labels such as Hibernate Eilean VoxxoV as well as a recent return to the Ultimae label. On ‘Killing Ghosts’ James presents a truly perfect melding of exquisite sub-bass melodies under the surface of playful tones and fractured rhythms. The album itself has a feel of slow change and evolution as it journeys from the melodiously open electronica of ‘Footsteps’ and slowly down the rabbit hole as it waves us out with tracks such as ‘Allways’ and ‘Living Ghosts’. The work embodies everything that is great about the work of this enormously talented artist as beyond its catchy entrance points it is possibly one of the best examples of pure sound design we have been fortunate enough to release to date. Such a combination of melody and careful design takes a huge amount of skill care and patience and we are so happy we have finally been able to all come together to release what is quite simply a genuine highlight in our eight years of existence as a label.
1. Footsteps
2. Grace
3. First Hand
4. Soldier Returned
5. Allways
6. Second Sight
7. Living Ghosts
